Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Countdown Dec. 24

Congratulations your shopping is done!
Happy Christmas Eve

I'm here to save you! (STOCKING STUFFER)

Have you ever gone through security at the airport and had your stuff taken away? I have... It's not fun! It's even more UN-FUN when you get your nice perfume taken away! Can you guess it?! I'm here to save you! Travalo (AKA. THE COOLEST INVENTION EVER!) Watch what it is here!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a8xxV1zDGs (
From Google Image

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Countdown Dec. 20 (Gift Idea)


I'm here to save you!


Did you just get home and realize you had a piece of pepper in between your two front teeth, after you had talked to 500 people previously? I'm here to save you! Just carry a on the go Wisp Toothbrush in your purse with a compact mirror!
From Google Image 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Countdown Dec. 16

Cozy Socks!!

Christmas Countdown! Dec 15th

A nice makeup case is the way to go for last minute shoppers, I mean they need somewhere to put all the makeup you get them!

Im here to save you!

You have a breakout the day before school pictures!!! I'm here to save you!

  1. Put a dab of toothpaste on your finger and rub it on the blemish
  2. Leave it over night 
  3. It should dry it out and be gone the next day, if not repeat the step every night until it is for fast healing!
Form Google Image

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Countdown! Dec. 12th

This is a great Christmas gift for someone who is just beginning at makeup, it gives them a wide range of colors to experiment with!
Picture From Sephora

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Countdown! Dec. 11th

Don't know what to put in the stocking?! I do!(:

  1. Girly boot socks! (they have cute ones at American Eagle, Pink, and Aeropostale!)
  2. Nail polish! ( How can you go wrong with nail polish... well make sure the lid is on tight!)
  3. Eye Shadow palettes! ( Benefit has really cute, small, affordable palettes!)
  4. Chocolate! ( Does this even need to be on the list?)
  5. Bath bombs, and shower gel! ( Try Bath and Bodywork's)
  6. Lip gloss and chapstick ( This is like... an expectation!:)
  7. Earrings! ( hit up your local Claires or Icing for this simple gift)
  8. Pony Tails and Bobby pins! (you can always use these)
  9. Cute scarfs or even a headband!
  10. Makeup bags! (get a cute one of course, Bath and Bodywork's has seasonal ones that are filled with amazing stuff!)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Check it Out!

Have you guys heard of the Roly Poly Santa Cookies? I recently saw them on Snapguide, they were a request. If you would like to see my ATEMPT click here!... http://snapguide.com/guides/santa-cookies-only-the-base/

SnapGuide for how to make a donut bun!


Christmas Countdown!! Dec. 10

Hi guys this is the first day of the the Christmas Countdown!!! 
On YouTube there is a family who does daily vlogs, and they are trying raise money for The March of Dimes. The march of dimes is a fundraiser that goes towards babies and children.
here is the link to there youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/itsJudysLife
Here is the link to learn more about The March of Dimes http://www.marchofdimes.com/#
Here is the link to donate https://fundly.com/dancember
What this family does is they dance every single day (of December) until Christmas (the 25th) to raise  money for The March of Dimes. if they reach their goal, which I believe is 25,000, Benjis (the YouTuber) brother will get his makeup done by Judy! (the YouTuber) *This is totally OPTIONAL and do not feel compelled to do it!!
Also would you guys like to have a little Christmas countdown (blog post with Christmas related pictures, links, and gift ideas.) This would start on December 10th and end on December 25th. Just a little something to make your day a little brighter is all.(:

I'm here to save you post!

Just a heads up, I will be posting many more "I'm here to save you!" post, so keep your eyes peeled! OH, there also might even be stocking stuffer ideas on the way(:!  *Starting December 15

Bethany Mota Collection is Out!!

      OMG you guys, do you want the cutest clothes ever? Go check out my IDOL'S clothing line at Aeropostale!!!

Product Review!!(:

I recently had my braces removed, the first time I tried this kit I didn't notice a difference. After several uses I began to notice a change. Unfortunately my gums were sensitive on my fifth of sixth use. Overall, I would recommend this product.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Whiten your teeth the healthy way!!!

I know what you're thinking, "I want to whiten my teeth, but all those kits and products have so much chemicals!" Well I'm here to save you!

From Google image
  1.  Wash a strawberry as if you were going to eat it.
  2.  Now crush the strawberry to a pulp .
  3.  Mix it with and equal amount of baking soda .
  4.  Stir until blended .
  5.  Now dip a toothbrush in the mix.
  6.  Use the toothbrush to spread mixture on your teeth.
  7.  Leave on for 5 min.
  8.  Now brush your teeth as you would regularly. 

Make Your Eyes Look More Awake!!

Does anyone else have those mornings where your eyes just look plain sleepy? I know I do and I am here to save you! 

To make your eyes appear more awake and even bigger!
Do all of your makeup as you usually would, then in the tear-duct area of your eye dab a lighter color of eyeshadow, a good color would be a Matte Cream (or off white.) If you were to use a really opaque white, that has shimmer it will look a little goofy, It will draw attention to that area, but not in a good way! Trust me I have made the mistake many times! I hope I helped!

Christmas Nails

Candy Cane Nails!
*** Check out my SnapGuide here
For more nails I have done follow me on Pinterest!