Sunday, December 1, 2013

Whiten your teeth the healthy way!!!

I know what you're thinking, "I want to whiten my teeth, but all those kits and products have so much chemicals!" Well I'm here to save you!

From Google image
  1.  Wash a strawberry as if you were going to eat it.
  2.  Now crush the strawberry to a pulp .
  3.  Mix it with and equal amount of baking soda .
  4.  Stir until blended .
  5.  Now dip a toothbrush in the mix.
  6.  Use the toothbrush to spread mixture on your teeth.
  7.  Leave on for 5 min.
  8.  Now brush your teeth as you would regularly. 


  1. Interesting! I might have to give this a whirl. That said, I feel like I would want to eat the strawberries instead. Would that help whiten? Here's a little blogging tip that I use- follow this link to schedule your blog posts. If you have lots of time to post on Saturday, you can write up all of your posts and schedule them in advance so that you have a new post everyday instead of several on the same day. Spreads out your posts a bit... How to schedule a post in Blogger
